
User Guide


1. Add tasks

todos - tasks without specific deadlines or dates
deadlines - tasks with specific deadlines
events - tasks with specific time and dates


Keywords - todo, deadline, event

Adds the task to the task list

todo [description]
deadline [description] [dd/MM/yyyy HHmm]
event [description] [dd/MM/yyyy HHmm]

Examples of usage:

  1. todo watch Lord of the Rigs
  2. deadline return Harry Potter to library /by: 30th of October 2019, 9.30pm
  3. event attend seminar /at 25/09/2019 1800

Expected outcomes:

  1. Got it. I've added this task:
    [T][✘] watch Lord of the Rigs
    Now you have 1 task in the list.

  2. Got it. I've added this task:
    [D][✘] return Harry Potter to library (by: 30th of October 2019, 9.30pm)
    Now you have 2 tasks in the list.

  3. Got it. I've added this task:
    [E][✘] attend seminar (at: 25/09/2019 1800)
    Now you have 3 tasks in the list.

2. Edit tasks

Edits the description or the date and time of the task.


Keyword- edit

Edits the description/date and time of the task

edit description [new description]
edit datetime [dd/MM/yyyy HHmm]

Examples of usage:

  1. edit 1 description watch Lord of the Rings
  2. edit 2 datetime 29/10/2019 2130
  3. edit 3 description attend wedding

Expected outcomes:

  1. The task: [T][✘] watch Lord of the Rigs has been changed to [T][✘] watch Lord of the Rings
  2. The task: [D][✘] return Harry Potter to library (by: 30th of October 2019, 9.30pm) has been changed to [D][✘] return Harry Potter to library (by: 29th of October 2019, 9.30pm)
  3. The task: [E][✘] attend seminar (at: 25/09/2019 1800) has been changed to [E][✘] attend wedding (at: 25/09/2019 1800)

3. Mark tasks as done

Marks the tasks that are in the task list as done.


Keyword- done

Marks the task as done using the given task number

done [task number]

Example of usage:

done 2

Expected outcome:
Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[D][✓] return Harry Potter to library (by: 29th of October 2019, 9.30pm)

4. List tasks

Lists the tasks that are in the task list.


Keyword- list

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

1.[T][✘] watch Lord of the Rings
2.[D][✓] return Harry Potter to library (by: 29th of October 2019, 9.30pm)
3.[E][✘] attend wedding (at: 25/09/2019 1800)

5. Find tasks

Finds a specific task in the task list.


Keyword- find

The keyword is not case sensitive.

find [keyword(s)]

Example of usage:

find harry potter

Expected outcome:

Here are the matching tasks in your list:
2.[D][✓] return Harry Potter to library (by: 29th of October 2019, 9.30pm)

6. Delete tasks

Deletes a specific task in the task list.


Keyword- delete

Deletes specified task using task number

delete [task number]

Example of usage:

delete 2

Expected outcome:

Noted. I've removed this task:
[D][✓] return Harry Potter to library (by: 29th of October 2019, 9.30pm)
Now you have 2 tasks in the list.

7. Quit Application

Closes the application window. All tasks will be saved automatically.


Keyword- bye

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

Bye. Hope to see you again soon!